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GSRA Gate Response

Golf Side Residents Association

Cheam, Sutton

Surrey. SM2 7EZ

June 2nd 2020

Ms. Polly Davidson

Environmental, Housing & Regeneration

London Borough of Sutton

24 Denmark Road

Carshalton SM5 2JG

Planning Application DM2020/00637 - SUPPORT

Dear Ms. Davidson,

The Golf Side Residents Association represents the forty-nine homes on Golf Side who voted and approved the proposed replacement gate designs. We have taken a lot of time and great care to ensure the designs are in keeping with the rural street scene for the area. The existing gates are more industrial in nature, old, and no longer fit for purpose as they require constant attention.

Both ends of Golf Side will have a pedestrian gate that will ensure continued access and have been positioned to afford greater safety for pedestrians entering and leaving Golf Side by protecting them from the active resident driveways immediately adjacent to the gates. (House numbers 43 & 2)

In answer to the points raised in the opposition letter from ‘Renfrew’ on Cuddington Way;

There is no logical reason to believe that the un-locked pedestrian gate would encourage Golf Side visitors to trespass into the grounds of nearby ‘Renfrew’, navigate the garden, and search for a suitable place to scale their wall, simply to avoid walking through a gate. The access remains the same.

The verge on which the gate is located is not owned by ‘Renfrew.’ The owners moved into their house on Cuddington Way in 2015, long after the gates were installed on Golf Side. They bought their house with the knowledge of the existing gate workings. The new gate design will be as quiet as the existing gates and it is believed that they may even be quieter.

In answer to the points raised in the opposition letter from 166 Sandy Lane:

We agree with the pre-application view of the case officer who stated that the proposed gates are considered to be a suitable style, allowing visual permeability in and out of the road for vehicles and pedestrians. The immediate neighbours were informed of the application submission before the application date. The external nearby properties were not as we could not see how the Golf Side replacement gates concerned them as there was no immediate overlook and no detrimental impact on their property when compared with the current gates. We did however write to these properties as a courtesy to inform them of our submission in the event they were not made aware of the application. 166 either reacted to our notice posted through the door or possibly received a notice from the Council as this is unclear from the planning website. This objection seems to be more about Golf Side not informing 166 Sandy Lane prior to the application, than any grounds that would adversely affect their property. These replacement gates will open quicker (and probably quieter) with two arms, than the long single arm gates already on site.

In answer to the points raised in the opposition letter from 37 Cheyham Way:

This objector just seems to be repeating what is already historic record, non-of-which has any bearing on our application.

Our proposed gates are only 1.5m. The two single support arms for the moving gates at each end are slightly higher at 1.89m and are integral to the workings / support of the gates and are minimal in their appearance but designed in keeping with the rural scene.

There is no loss of access to Golf Side. It should also be noted in any case that Golf Side is not suited for large amounts of activity as this objector seems to think, as there are no pavements and many of the verges are private property. Does it need to be said that this is a private residential road, funded and proudly maintained by the residents who call it home, and not the public amenity space for his personal exercise needs as he suggests.

We are not suggesting the gate area will be paved.

There are automatic gates already in place and this application looks to upgrade the gates to use an improved mechanism and present a more visual rural scene than the one that currently exists. This application allows visual permeability in and out of the road for vehicles and pedestrians alike.

Number 37 Cheyham Way’s reference to their neighbour across the road at Renfrew has already been addressed above.

The white five bar appearance and 1.5m height proposed at Golf Side will only enhance the rural scene and is in keeping with existing examples in our adjacent roads:

  • 2 x fixed 1.5m high white 5 bar fences at the entrance to Cheyham Way (right outside number 37),

  • 2 x fixed 1.5m high white 5 bar fence at Cuddington Way entrance & Sandy Lane

  • 2 x fixed 1.5m high white 5 bar fences at the entrance to Cuddington Way at Banstead Road.

(photos attached)


In summary, the replacement gate design proposed by the residents of Golf Side is a great improvement over our aging, existing installation and is in keeping with the rural street scene for this area. We request that this carefully thought out design is allowed to proceed based on its merit.

Yours sincerely,

The GSRA Committee

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